In the new system for the BCS there will be a playoff, finally, before the National Champion is crowned. For everyone at ukschoolgames.com, that not only means more games for the college season, but more bets as well. Like other sports the bigger the event the more betting options there are and that is really the case when you are talking about BCS football bets. When the playoffs take place as well as the BCS title game you can be sure there are no lack on wagering options.
Yeah, you can make the typical straight bet and totals bet for BCS games, but since the games are so big there are tons of proposition bets that will be available. Just check out this big sportsbook when the BCS games are taking place and you will see how many prop bets are available. There are team prop bets and player prop bets as well as some that really have nothing to do with the game. An example of a player prop bet is which QB in the game will have more passing yards or which RB will have more rushing yards. These are just typical ones, as there are more specialized ones as well. For the team prop bets a couple of examples can be which team will have the most passing TD's or which team will score the first TD. There are even prop bets for BCS football bets that have nothing to do with the game such as which team will win the coin flip.
Another things you should know about BCS football bets in terms of prop wagers is that some will have even odds and some will have inflated ones.

There are some prop bets that you can make that have big payouts such as betting if a safety will be the first score in the game or if a team will score on a kickoff or punt return.
The new BCS playoff system is a great thing for bettors that are looking to make more exotic bets. With bigger games, like the BCS title, the more betting options there are. This sportsbook has plenty of betting options, no matter what BCS football bets you are looking to make chances are you can find it. If you do not just want the typical spread or totals bet you will find a ton available for BCS games. What is even cooler is now there are a few games to wager on rather than just the BCS title game.